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DOVE featured on Tactical Treasures!

Thank you Tracy Flanagan, Co-Founder and Senior Vice President of JDog Brands, for introducing DOVE to your community on the Tactical Treasures podcast! Tactical Treasures first aired this episode yesterday, to kick off Donate Life Month, which features DOVE Founder and Director, Sharyn Kreitzer along with Jim Cochrane, a Navy Veteran and kidney recipient through DOVE; and Julie Donohue, a MilSpouse and kidney donor through DOVE! While Julie did not donate her kidney to Jim - it was his outreach campaign that led her to be an anonymous donor to another Veteran in need. Because Jim shared his story, 3 Veterans received a life saving transplant through DOVE! Tune in to this episode to hear what all of their Tactical Treasures are, and to learn about the amazing impact that DOVE is creating for our Veterans in need of kidney transplant! #veterans #milspouse #veteranownedbusiness #kidneydonation #transplant #gratitude #donatelifemonth


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